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CGPA to Percentage Calculator
Semester GPA (SGPA) or Overall / Cumulative GPA (CGPA)
GPA is Grade Point Average. There could be semester GPA (SGPA) or overall / cumulative GPA (CGPA). Semester GPA gives you semester result and CGPA gives you overall average of semester you completed. India has 10 point GPA where as America has 4 point GPA system. But now-a-days many Indian colleges also started to give GPA in 4 point system.
In 10 Point system -
8-10 Excellent
6-7 Good
3-5 Pass
1-2 Fail
Note that in 10 point system, Grades (May be Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Average, Poor, Fail etc.) and points varies from college to college since this GPA system is allowed in autonomous universities and colleges.
In 4 point system -
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Pass
1 Fail
SGPA=Sum Of (Total Credit of Course X Grade / Points/Credits earned in Course ) / Sum Of (Total Credit of Course)
Example: Credit of Course = 4 (Like that you have 6 courses)
If you have Pass grade that means either 2 (In 4 point system) or 3-5 (In 10 point system). Let's consider 5.
SGPA = (24X5)/24 = 5 (Pass)
In second semester you have Good grade that means either 3 (In 4 point system) or 6-7 (In 10 point system). Let's consider 6.
SGPA = (24X6)/24 = 6 (Good)
Then CGPA of two semesters will be
CGPA= Sum Of all semesters (Total Credit of Course X Grade / Points/Credits earned in Course) / Sum Of all semesters (Total Credit of Course)
CGPA= (120+144)/ (24+24)=264/48=5.5
Similarly you can calculate for remaining semesters CGPA.
Since in India percentage system is adapted and popular. You can easily convert your CGPA to percentage using below formula.
Overall Percentage of semesters = CGPA X 10
Example: If you have 5.5 as CGPA then
Overall Percentage of semesters = 5.5 X 10 = 55%
Grade point system
In 10 Point system -
8-10 Excellent
6-7 Good
3-5 Pass
1-2 Fail
Note that in 10 point system, Grades (May be Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Average, Poor, Fail etc.) and points varies from college to college since this GPA system is allowed in autonomous universities and colleges.
In 4 point system -
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Pass
1 Fail
Calculate SGPA and CGPA
SGPA=Sum Of (Total Credit of Course X Grade / Points/Credits earned in Course ) / Sum Of (Total Credit of Course)
Example: Credit of Course = 4 (Like that you have 6 courses)
If you have Pass grade that means either 2 (In 4 point system) or 3-5 (In 10 point system). Let's consider 5.
SGPA = (24X5)/24 = 5 (Pass)
In second semester you have Good grade that means either 3 (In 4 point system) or 6-7 (In 10 point system). Let's consider 6.
SGPA = (24X6)/24 = 6 (Good)
Then CGPA of two semesters will be
CGPA= Sum Of all semesters (Total Credit of Course X Grade / Points/Credits earned in Course) / Sum Of all semesters (Total Credit of Course)
CGPA= (120+144)/ (24+24)=264/48=5.5
Similarly you can calculate for remaining semesters CGPA.
Since in India percentage system is adapted and popular. You can easily convert your CGPA to percentage using below formula.
Overall Percentage of semesters = CGPA X 10
Example: If you have 5.5 as CGPA then
Overall Percentage of semesters = 5.5 X 10 = 55%